Our Vision:
A world without veteran suicide.
There is nothing worse than losing hope. It’s dark, empty, and all consuming. As a group, we’ve sacrificed our youth, our security, and our mental health in service to our country. Despite our service, we suffer poor long term health outcomes when compared to our non-military peers.
For many veterans, it feels like there is nothing left to give.
No hope for change. No more gas in the tank. Not a drop more energy to spare.
Not even for ourselves.
The grim reality is that we lose at least 17 of our brothers and sisters in arms every single day to a preventable outcome. The price of war is paid in blood on the streets of America where each year our tribe loses more veterans to suicide on average than the amount of heroes we've lost in the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns to date combined.
Despite years of data and improving technology, veteran suicide remains an epidemic.
Our response as a nation needs to change, because what we've been doing simply isn't working.
Veterans of War (VoW) offers a unique path towards meaningful recovery. VoW welcomes you to our community in support of healing. We understand the challenges faced in our community because we are veterans.
Our team has walked the dark veteran journey of hopelessness. Then, we found guided psychedelic healing in plant medicines such as ayahuasca.
Like ayahuasca, our programming is neither a miracle cure nor a magic bullet. Instead, it is the beginning of a challenge between who you are now, and who you wish to be; a harmony of purpose and mindfulness.
A successful fellowship represents challenging work forging forward through our darkness and into the light. Here, you are part of a team. Here your work is followed by real support from your cohort during your struggles and growth. For many, it is a chance to really come home. Our team has gone from hopelessness to hope on our personal journeys. We’ve designed a curriculum that we wish existed when we did this alone, afraid, and without proper preparation.
Plant medicines have been used by suffering humans the world over to overcome PTSD, depression, grief, anxiety, addiction, and countless other invisible scars affecting daily life. In addition, a psychedelic journey represents a unique opportunity to peel back the very nature of existence, reconnect, and rewire our perceived reality.
Our team has done just that, and we're dedicated to ensuring that our tribe has access to the same opportunity to find meaningful healing in their own lives. A restored veteran indicates a healing family. Families make up the fabric of every community. Communities make up our great country. If we wish to heal as a nation, we owe it to our veteran families to give them the opportunity to reconnect and recover from the unseen scars of war.
For many of us, our truth remains, “Here lies a veteran. He left the war, but the war never left him,” but it does NOT have to remain so.
If you find yourself in a dark place, or know someone who is struggling to come home, message us. Let's discuss how we can undertake a journey of healing together.
Come with us to reconnect and recover.
Our mission:
Prevent veteran suicide by treating the trauma that leads to it.
VoW’s premier program, The Group Therapy Fellowship, connects teams of veterans to guided psychedelic group therapy designed to aid healing from the unseen scars of war.
While our medicine of choice is Ayahuasca, it is only one of many useful plant medicines in the entheogen family. The word entheogen is derived from two ancient Greek words: entheos, meaning full of or inspired by god, and genesthai, meaning to come into being. Taken together, it means to generate the god within. The use of many entheogenic compounds such as ayahuasca or psilocybin mushrooms are as old as society itself; tracing their roots through shaman and community healers found in indigenous cultures worldwide for millennia.
Ayahuasca, Huachuma, Iboga, Psilocybin, and other strong entheogens, when mindfully used in a guided and safe setting offer a unique and effective path towards healing. They can be strong exploratory tools useful for reconnecting veterans to purpose, livelihood, love, acceptance, and the pursuit of continued meaningful service after military separation.
When coupled with our six-month fellowship curriculum emphasizing education, preparation, integration, and support, VoW believes we can help prevent veteran suicide by creating and holding a peer-supported space to help veterans better understand, rewire, and even overcome entirely some of the many manifestations of treatment resistant PTSD.
We are done with band-aids. It’s time for a true remedy. As we approach healing together, VoW is grateful to support veterans on their journey toward recovery.
Don’t just take our word for it. Find out exactly what our program has to offer. Read the studies for yourself. We think you’ll find the ever-growing body of evidence supporting recovery with plant medicine is compelling; it just may be that through challenging work, dedication, and support, true recovery is possible.
Ayahuasca tea has been in use as a sacred medicine in the Amazon basin by indigenous cultures for millennia.
“Any faith that admires truth, that strives to know God, must be brave enough to accommodate the universe.”