Fireteam Alpha - Veterans of War’s first fellowship cohort (Apr 5, 2020-Nov 6, 2021)
Medicine phase: July 18, 2021 - July 25th, 2021
San Jose, Costa Rica
The view from a balcony at Soltara Healing Center outside San Jose, Costa Rica.
April 5th, 2020, Fireteam Alpha’s four veteran members will begin coaching classes on a bi-weekly basis designed to prepare them for an intense, 7 day plant medicine workshop. The classes are designed to educate and prepare the team for their work through trauma aided by the help of Grandmother Ayahuasca.
Following their education and preparation phase, Fireteam Alpha will travel to San Jose, Costa Rica and then on to Soltara Healing Center. Recommended by none other than Dennis McKenna, Soltara operates in the Shipibo tradition, meaning that their ayahuasca has no additional additives and that their program supports our work in a particularly harmonious manner.
The team will meet for pickup on the morning of July 18th outside the Wyndham Hotel in San Jose. From there, Soltara’s team will have the ropes.
Fireteam Alpha is advised to arrive the day prior in order to get the opportunity to offload gear, get some food, rest, and prepare for the official start of the workshop the following day.
We are a team. Everything from meals, coaching, excursions, and ceremonies are all accomplished together.
Fireteam Alpha members will have the opportunity to participate in 4 ayahuasca ceremonies during their stay. These happen at night, usually around 8pm and are expected to last around 4 hours. On ceremony days, expect that dinner will NOT be served.
Soltara Healing Center has facilitators and personnel on hand for all ceremonies and aftercare should medical attention be necessary. VoW staff will be present along with the Fireteam Coach in order to facilitate and aid where appropriate whenever necessary.
Fireteam Alpha members will share two, two-person suites, each with electricity, a private bathroom, wifi, and AC. VoW staff and coaches will stay in an adjacent unit. Fireteam Alpha will have an itinerary to meet with opportunities for swimming, hiking, going to the gym, etc.
Food, lodging, and all workshop costs are all covered by VoW. Souvenirs or any special needs are the individual responsibility of Fireteam Alpha members and should be planned for.
While mosquitos have not been much of a problem in the past at the Soltara Healing Center compound, we must remember that we are in Central America; expect rainy, hot, and bugs. Sunscreen and bug-repellent are encouraged to be brought (DEET free, of course).
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner will be available at posted times for the duration of Fireteam Alpha’s stay.
Fireteams Alpha’s safety, cleanliness, and comfort through an uncomfortable process are a priority, within reason.
The sacred maloka at Soltara Healing Center. Inside those doors and deep into the July night, Fireteam Alpha’s challenge begins.
Remember that San Jose is arguably the most important city in Costa Rica and has its share of tourism. If you wish to buy souvenirs or experience life outside of the workshop, you’ll need to prepare for your trip accordingly!
Fireteam Alpha’s workshop at Soltara will conclude on Sunday, July 25th. Those leaving immediately are warned not to book flights leaving before 2:30pm local time. Alpha will have a small meeting at our drop off point, then dismiss.
Integration classes hosted by VoW and our coaches start the following Saturday, and continue bi-weekly for the following four months. Veterans of War is committed to providing quality support and integration coaching to solidify positive outcomes.
At the conclusion of our program, VoW pairs Fireteam Alpha members with a veteran-mentor dedicated to their continued growth and support. Each successful Fireteam Fellowship member is finally inducted into the Alumni Program.
Completion of Program - November 6, 2021
Fireteam Alpha - July 18th, 2021, San Jose, Costa Rica
Lessons Learned:
1: The word “Fireteam” can be triggering for participants as it could imply priority to the team leader over the other members. This team name will change to “Operation” for the coming participants (which will then be referred to as either classes or cohorts moving forward).
2: Due to the impact from Covid 19, Fireteam Alpha’s initial “six-month group therapy fellowship” was extended from April 5th, 2020 all the way to November 6th, 2021 (19 months total). While this additional time certainly aided bonding for group members, it seems impossible to know if the original intended program outline was sufficient to perform the same task. Bravo will be a better case study.
3: The amount of time that it took to get our team to the medicine was simply too much. Veterans cannot afford to wait over a year for access to safe and effective life-saving medicines. BLUF: We need a stateside solution, therefore the idea for a Veterans of War Healing Center is born.
4: Ensure that team members have cash on hand for the indigenous market that takes place on the final day at Soltara as there are no ATMs or means to access money on-compound.
5: Despite my fears that integrating a pre-formed group in with random participants at Soltara may somehow hurt the container we had created, instead we found that both the civilian and the veteran group meaningfully integrated more and more after each ceremony, crossing the civilian/service divide with each interaction. This allowed an “anonymous” civilian population to safely welcome its veteran members to really come home. It was a humbling and beautiful experience to be a part of.
Fireteam Alpha testimonials:
Fireteam Leader - Noble Whisenant
“This experience has both cleansed and awoken my mind, and I look forward to continuing the journey that I’ve begun with VoW. Even though everyone has a unique experience with the medicine, I feel that any veteran, or any person for that matter, would also benefit from its healing properties.”
Fireteam Member - Ted John
“I would recommend this experience to another veteran in need. The overall experience has been helpful in dealing with PTS and Moral Injury. A small shift in perspective can go a long way toward changing one's life.”
Fireteam member - Jesse chatfield
“I already recommend VoW to almost every Vet I encounter that’s in need of help. Many of us have tried EVERYTHING almost, but this approach has been the most beneficial treatment option that I have ever done. I’m am very thankful and grateful to have been a part of this for myself and my brothers and sisters.”
Fireteam Member - Carlos Garcia
“As a psychologist and as a past patient of so many other forms of treatment, I would highly recommend this type of group-based intervention to fellow veterans. It is hands down the most effective therapy I have ever encountered with the most healing benefits.”
“After you discover your purpose, you have to build a platform for your calling”