Q. Where does my donation money go?
A. Veterans of War’s first priority is providing funding for quality programming designed to support the long term growth of human beings. Certified integration coaching for each fellowship, as well as the cost of the 14-day workshop itself represent 80% of all costs. Airfare for coaches and staff make up an additional 15% of all costs. Hosting a fellowship, per participant and without paying staff costs roughly $4,500. Money raised in excess of these needs funds technical support on the back end; website maintenance, email hosting fees, etc. If we’ve met our fundraising goals for active fellowships and you wish to know where your donation is going, please email us and we’re happy to provide an itemized response.
Q. Why are you only accepting 4 participants for each fellowship to Iquitos, Peru?
A. There are two factors in play that have kept our numbers where they are: 1) small unit mechanics; aka, ease-of-command and control during an intensive process, and 2) space availability at the workshop center. The center we visit in Iquitos, Peru has limited housing and seating availability that is more conducive to smaller cohorts.
Q. Are there any scientific journals or scholarly articles where we can learn more about entheogens?
A. Absolutely. Research in this area is very much “tip-of-the-spear” and as such, there are new studies and articles generated every year. We have chosen a few that we think give a good overview to our work and have them posted in the “research” section of the website. If you find anything that we have missed, please send us an email so we can update our library.
Q. I thought veterans of war preserved and shared veteran stories?
A. Veterans of War has undergone a significant pivot in our programming. While we agree that preservation of first hand accounts of service, sacrifice and transition are important; that focus is being accomplished by some amazing organizations. Veterans of War connects teams of veterans to guided ayahuasca group therapy designed to heal the scars of war.
“Often it isn’t the initiating trauma that creates seemingly insurmountable pain, but the lack of support after.””